Two videos that you need in your life.

I was going to write on Philippians, Heidi Baker did so in a way more spirit-led form thoroughness than I was ever going to, so watch. She touches far too much to describe the video beyond that,  but from the moment you press ply you’ll feel the presence man!

Bill Johnson on mistaken definitions of grace, the gospel and sexual immorality. Killed it. Dug it back up. And killed it again.


Put aside time over the next few days to watch these. They are SO edifying.

Off to a Christian retreat for the weekend and going to do my best to surgically remove myself from my phone. Those who know me will appreciate the difficulty.


I cannot stress how beneficial these talks are, and will be to others if you share that blessing around.


God bless and keep you always x

Lost at sea, Ephesians 1:17-21

I’m not sleeping well at all so apologies for the inconsistency. It’s 3.20am and I just put down some prayer, in conjunction with the lovely people that are all praying for me during this irritating time. Feel like I need my inhaler! But this heaviness that has been dragging me down for weeks just took a dive off a cliff so let’s go bruh.

“I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, may give you the Spirit of wisdom and revelation, so that you may know him better. I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every name that is invoked, not only in the present age but also in the one to come.” (Ephesians 1:17-21 NIV)

The book of Ephesians is just filled with so much encouragement and spiritual advice. It’s foolproof, you can pick any chapter and you’ll feel better by the time you’ve got to the end. In those few verses significant themes to the Christian are brought up: wisdom, revelation, trust, relationship, hope. It’s just awesome. It reads like a prayer, I’d even recommend perhaps treating it as one.

The Christian walk is largely full of ups and downs. You have these great highs where you’re in the spirit and you’re filled with His perfect peace or joy, because at the end of the day communion and worship are what we were made for. On the other hand, when we fall out of the habit of praying or when we encounter discouragement God doesn’t promise to just magic everything better. We can feel frustrated, panicked or despondent when it feels like our walks are stagnating. When you find Christ or experience miracles you feel this euphoria, but even when we continue looking at His word we may not feel as “on fire” for The Lord. Things just don’t match the momentum and that’s hardly encouraging.

In those moments draw near to Him. Pray for contentment, peace, renewed hope in Him. In these times we can really learn what it means to just trust in God and relinquish our attempts at controlling situations. We can consciously choose to submit to His will or rebelliously draw away from Him into sin. And for all the glamour the world gives to sin: it is a lonely lonely place. You will not be the only person who is false with people, you’re not the only one feeling guilty for watching porn, but when we even consider bringing these things to God we can shy away from it. We present excuses instead of going to the Father who only wants to renew our hope in Him, to better our relationships with Him. It feels like it’s really easy to trip into sin, but once you’re there – how do you get back?

Frustration is generally defined as negatives emotions resulting from a lack of control. I couldn’t sleep. It drove absolutely nuts. As a consequence I couldn’t read, write, I wasn’t patient with people or that nice. The more helpless I got the more frustrated and so on, and I didn’t bring it to God. In fact, I compromised myself by putting myself in the way of temptation to doubt, to idolise other things, to concern myself with issues far less significant than growth in my Father. These verses are all about hope and spiritual growth.

We can’t do everything, and every now and then someone may give you scripture on that being ok. But if you’re not in the right mind frame those words are going to fall on deaf ears. So pray to The Lord He will “enlighten” the “eyes of your heart” (1:18). So much of our roles as Christians is dependent on willful reception. We have to choose to accept Jesus’ truth and salvation. We have to choose to overcome things like forgiveness by consciously appealing to God to help us to see and love His children as He does. Through such experiences we can really grow spiritually if we consent to it. If we ask God to intervene in the chaoses that we create for ourselves, we re-align ourselves with the promises and confidence of a life lived for Christ. We are called to lives of “glorious inheritance” (1:18), (by now I’m assuming you get the point of the gospel). But so often we allow the world, our flesh, to temporarily hinder us from that truth. We see no way out. The curtains fall and we feel helpless, as if we don’t know that all we have to do is choose to lift that drape.

God ain’t helpless. He isn’t going to struggle to manage not forgive your mistakes. “…his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power is the same as the mighty strength he exerted when he raised Christ from the dead and seated him at his right hand”. That’s the God who will see you through periods of stress, discomfort and frustration. As we appeal to Him more we learn to reside in simply assurance of His sovereignty. We don’t have to know everything, but the God we belong to possessed the power to revive Jesus Christ from death! Our God is omnipotent. Whatever demon, whatever size that you are battling – they are no obstacle to the Father. The only thing that the Enemy can do is to try and trick you into believing otherwise. This won’t always be clear to us, so I really pray for revelations in those who read this. That God will really point out those blunders to you so that you can recognise the lies for what they are and regain the upper footing.

“The Lord is not slow to fulfill his promise as some count slowness, but is patient toward you, not wishing that any should perish, but that all should reach repentance.” 2 Peter 3:9

Father we just thank you for christian community Lord God. We thank you for the body of Christians that we learn from, grow with and support in love. Lord we just pray for unity in the church body. That we always respect the differences of denominations and differing theology but will ourselves to remain firmly focused on glorifying you Father. Lord you are peace, love and joy. You will the best for us, you develop us and you intend us with purpose to do your will, not to argue over interpretation nor push others away from you by acts of condemnation. Father we just pray for those who don’t know you yet and for those who say they do but upon reflection are either denying you by how they live or acting in wilful disobedience. Lord you do not expect us to be perfect, but it is when we are fully honest with you that you can get in and lead us out of those dark places we inhibit in helplessness. You do not will us to live in secrecy, in darkness or in shame; there is no one who can’t be saved and we just pray for those who, through shame and fear, put an obstacle between you and them. For those who hear the lies of the enemy and think they are not worthy. Father your word contains so many stories of you saving people from low places that by the power of their testimony Lord God we may know the same will happen for us. Help us to see more of you in our everyday life, to recognise your beauty, actions and intercession. By the blood of your perfect son Jesus Christ the victory IS ours, we are renewed in you and our mistakes are wiped clean. Lord God grant us the grace that we may share your mercy and love with others, that we may walk against the societal tendencies to hold grudges, to be judgemental. It is not of you, it is not loving and it is not edifying. Father God we offer you our lives in continual worship. Let others see you in how we interact with them, in how you have transformed our lives, in our focus on kindness over judgement.

In the name of Jesus Christ our Lord and Saviour,





“Fear not, for I have redeemed you; I have called you by your name; You are Mine.” Isaiah 43:1

“When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, ‘I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.”


John 8:12

The Word, 2Timothy 2:9

“And because I preach this Good News, I am suffering and have been chained like a criminal. But the word of God cannot be chained.” (2Tim 2:9)

The second epistle to Timothy is thought to be the last one ever written by Paul as he faced execution. Written to a dear follower with whom he held a close father-son relationship, it is full of tenderness and the wisdom of someone who had lived a long and purposeful life.

Paul was not being melodramatic, he had experienced multiple arrests, persecution and criticism for his teaching of the Good News. Having gone from a position of power, preaching had signed the certificate of execution that was to see Paul beheaded under Emperor Nero. Think about the prison system today, not a pleasant place but they have access to running water, toilets and food, do you think this is how a thorn in the side of the Jewish leaders and Roman Emperor was going to be treated? But look at that second sentence!

No matter what they were going to do to Paul, or Philemon, to John, James, Stephen “the word of God CANNOT be chained”! God is the Truth, the Almighty, the Creator. The history of Christianity is littered with men persecuted for their faith, but it is a continued history; men experiencing revelations of God’s grace, mercy, love were, and are, compelled to spread His teachings regardless of what they may face. “He broke the power of death and illuminated the way to life and immortality through the Good News” (1:10). In Turkey, in China, in Vietnam, the Middle East, you have people lovingly distributing bibles, putting on bible study classes for anyone who wants to know who Jesus is. They could suffer like Paul, who knew he was suffering like Jesus, because death no longer contained any power. If you know that persecution or threats on your life for truthfully preaching the Gospel will only take you to live in the Father and Son’s glory, it’s hardly something that would put you off of evangelising.

The Word compels us to go that extra mile for others because that is exactly what Jesus did for us. Our futures contained only death but in His perfect sacrifice we are given a completely new, joyful, holy life after physical death! The Word of God cannot and should not be chained because of all that it contains. “All Scripture is inspired by God and is useful to teach us what is true and to make us realise what is wrong in our lives. It corrects us when we are wrong and teaches us to do what is right. God uses it to prepare and equip his people to do every good work” (3:16-17).

Three closing points:

Firstly, your actions can lead people to know the Word of God. People are sceptical, but when you reflect God’s mercy, peace and joy, it opens up channels for people to get to know how the Good News has changed your life. No one’s expecting you to recite the Word of God in its entirety.

Second, scripture is about and inspired by God! It’s not homework, it’s an opportunity for us to know God better and help others to do the same, our home is with Him, our spirits feel at rest in His presence, and getting to grips with the Bible is a great way to come into that. As Christians we recognise God as this awesome being, but can then be picky with following particular teachings. Cut it out. Look at everything in its proper context, that you may understand it better, not because of the warning that Paul gives two chapters later. “For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear” (4:3). Sound familiar?

Thirdly, God does not need you to do an ad campaign for the Word or for His Son. Now I don’t mean this literally, things like Alpha are changing people’s lives because they catch their attention on trains and buses. What I mean is that you don’t have to tell people the nice bits of the Bible, or butter them up so people will like what they’re hearing. It’s the Truth not the Pep Talk. “God’s truth stands firm like a foundation stone” (2:19). The Word of God is that, it is God’s guidance to His chosen, not there to be adapted or watered down but to be understood and instructive.

God bless and keep you always x

Lord God, help my actions to be in line with your will, obedient to all that you are and I know you to be. Thank you Lord for your manifold blessings, your love and life, and the joy and peace you have placed in my heart. When life hits you full on, residing in those things doesn’t always seem so easy Lord. Help me to grow in the image of your son. Pour out your peace onto me Father that I may gift others with the mercy and compassion you have shown me. That as Jesus, my Saviour and Redeemer, others will come to know you and your truth, because I have acted in love and kindness rather than judgement and condemnation. Lord thank you for the blessing of being able to pray to you, to grow in our relationships with you Father. Grant us the grace and experiences to grow into the people you intended us to be.

In Jesus’ name,

The Righteous Remnant (not as catchy as other titles but bare with), Zephaniah 3:17.

Zephaniah 3:17 “The LORD your God is in your midst, a mighty one who will save; he will rejoice over you with gladness; he will quiet you by his love; he will exult over you with loud singing.”

The prophet Zephaniah lived in the decades just before the Babylonians captured Jerusalem. Chronologically the Israelites were taking the mickey, Zephaniah is the thirty sixth book of the Bible (dated to the seventh century bc). You’d think by now they’d know the repercussions of worshipping other idols and living outside of God’s love. But yet another prophet comes with harsh words for the disobedient Jews (zeph 1:1-3:8). This morning I come with the wholly positive message that if in your heart you have repented and turned to God, accepting His Son Jesus Christ as your Saviour, you’re saved from the final judgement just as the righteous few were saved in the days of destruction that fell upon the Jews.

Zephaniah 3:9-20 is both comforting to the “lowly and humble” (3:12) who would have lived in those days but also to us: “On that day I will purify the lips of all people, so that everyone will be able to worship the Lord together…And then you will no longer need to be ashamed of yourselves…And The Lord himself, the King of Israel, will live among you!” (Zeph 3:9,11,15).

In the times of Zephaniah people felt that because they were materially prosperous worshipping others couldn’t be that bad and God would just turn a blind eye. Unlike people we may know today who aren’t Christians, the Jews knew better and were repeatedly told to fix up and possibly bring about God’s mercy in time to stop their approaching destruction and yet they STILL disobeyed!

But the reason I wrote on this this morning is because God loves us. Look how many opportunities He gave the Jews to right their wrongs. And even in the face of rightfully punishing the Jews God never forgets those trying to do right by Him, flaws remaining for He never expects perfection from us. Instead He delivers us from hard times on earth and then when He welcomes us into eternity – we’ll never face them again. Our Lord the deliverer is “a mighty one who will save”, He “rejoices” over us, He calms us, fills our very being, our every cell, our every thought, our every move with peace! We exult in Him and He “will exult over you”!!! (3:17)

When I asked God to soften my heart He definitely made me quite soppy but this verse makes my heart feel like it’s going to burst. Listen to what Zephaniah is saying, inspired by God. After sin…can we just take the time to imagine a time WITHOUT sin, no matter how righteous we try to be the flesh is weak, we only know life with sin down to our physical body…and yet God says after those days of judgement, when the world as we know it is changed following those days of judgement, He will rejoice in us! Our creator, our very reason for being is the greatest superlative of a proud parent. Think of a time where your parent just beamed at you and then put God in their place. God wants to rejoice in YOU. His very nature, for He IS love (we only know how to love because of Him), will quiet us as we stand in wonder and peace in the presence of what must be the most overwhelming love we could ever receive. And then when you couldn’t get anymore overwhelmed He’ll sing in praise. Pick any psalm that David Solomon, or Asaph (yeah he was an actual person) dedicated to God and imagine Him redirecting that same passion to YOU! This is the God we serve.

We’re always told that God loves us, “For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). Giving your Son’s life in sacrifice to your brattish, disobedient creation is quite a significant way of demonstrating your love. Yet somehow we often let God’s love for us go straight over our heads. God LOVES us. He loves us and He rejoices in us and we make HIS heart want to burst. Is that not amazing?

“God’s unfailing love for us is an objective fact affirmed over and over in the Scriptures. It is true whether we believe it or not. Our doubts do not destroy God’s love, nor does our faith create it. It originates in the very nature of God, who is love, and it flows to us through our union with His beloved Son.” ~ Jerry Bridges

God bless and keep you always x

Have you ever loved someone, so much you thought you’d die? Matthew 6:24

“Have you ever loved someone, so much you thought you’d die? Given so much of yourself, it seems the only way, tell me what you want and I and I will give it to you…”

I can hold solid conversation on faith, football and new jack swing, if you don’t know, well now you know (I’m finished). So I was listening to this yesterday and actually paid attention to the lyrics. The lead singer was FIFTEEN YEARS OLD at the time – dramatic much? But jokes aside he was expressing things that people genuinely think and feel. It can feel like you’re giving your entirety to someone and are just spent, doing whatever you can to please them to the extent that you’re left feeling drained. This is plain wrong because even when we’re in love and give ourselves over to the only man we should do, we experience continual joy, continual peace and continual security. But men AND women idolise their partners, family, friends, and then when it all goes awry they’re left broken, in crisis.

Often when we think of idolatry we think quite literal stuff: steer clear of other gods, polytheistic/ new wave ideas, materialism etc. But we rarely look at it beyond the skin deep. What’s the idol in your life? If your life and your thoughts and your actions and your joys don’t revolve around God what do they revolve around? What thing comes out of your mouth more than talk of your Father? What thing do you need to address?

Sometimes we need to step back from things and have a look at ourselves. Spending copious amounts of time on our presentation is idolatrous. That does not mean don’t buy new clothes, don’t wear make up or don’t get your hair done. But committing a large amount of time to perfecting yourself is vanity and self-love, let’s be honest. You’ve gone from preening yourself to narcissism and the consequences are not pretty.

God can’t come second to your girlfriend. You give your all to Him not her. Stop talking your friend’s ear off about her/him, chill with acting like they’re the only person on the planet. They’re not; yeah they’re cool but you don’t seem this excited about God and He kinda gave His Son as a perfect sacrifice for your eternal life, but whatever…

Until you know what it is to be loved by Him and trust in Him, and Him alone, chances are your relationship or the fallout from it is going to be pretty unhealthy anyway. When we know what love from God is, it also means we can have a framework for what love ought to look like. I don’t mean the perfect guy and the perfect wedding we see in chick flicks because setting yourself up for that dream is pretty idolatrous in itself, rather it gives you the opportunity to gauge things that are attractive in a christ-like, biblical light. In the way God intended us to love and be loved.

Further, loving God first and truly basking in the fact that He loves you, means that if a person lets you down your world won’t end, because He is the only being that will never hurt, never disappoint, never manipulate… at the end of the day the rest of us are fallible.

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other.” (Matt 6:24).

We are here to serve our God and His creation, to be stewards in this world and light in a place of real darkness. That’s more than just some imagery and anything continually distracting you from this ought to be evaluated.

God bless and keep you always x

Here On Purpose, Ephesians 1:4-5

“For He chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight. In love He predestined us for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with his pleasure and will –”
(Ephesians 1:4-5)

I love stumbling across parts of the Word on the theme of purpose. So often we can feel a bit lost and we tend to know the more famous Bible verses on purpose and intention so well that we can lessen the meaning they have as we just reel them off. God knew us before we were even formed and intended us on purpose (Jer 1:4-5), “For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made” (Ps 139:13) etc. Sometimes, we can say these things to ourselves so often that we forget the greatness of these words. God…the creator of our universe, giver of life, Father of Christ Jesus…made you as you are…joyfully…on purpose…and intended to do so before your parents were even conceived…you…you in particular. Ever dislike and scrutinise certain things about yourself? God doesn’t. Mind blowing stuff.

But Paul says not only did God create us with intention, not only do you matter to God but He chose YOU to be “holy and blameless” in a very dark world. I’ve always thought of light and darkness as helpful imagery, symbols, but when we really look at the world around us it is not a nice place. We live in a world rife with sexual assault, oppression, extreme poverty and extreme greed. An article on the rape of two women (one pregnant) by army militia in Syria brought me to tears a couple days ago. In a world full of darkness, God chose you “for adoption to sonship through Jesus Christ, in accordance with His pleasure and will-”

You accepted Jesus Christ as your Saviour and with great pleasure, foreknowledge and intention God granted you freedom from condemnation (Romans 8:1) in a world of death and sin, ruled by Satan. “Once you were dead, doomed forever because of your many sins. You used to live just like the rest of the world, full of sin, obeying Satan, the mighty prince of the power of the air. He is the spirit at work in the hearts of those who refuse to obey God” (2:1-2).

The term sonship is used a lot in the New Testament. In Ancient Greece inheritance worked on the basis of primogeniture: inheritance through the oldest son. This could be through your biological child but you also had the option to adopt a man into your family who would take on your name and the possessions and stature that came with it. In Paul’s own life the oppressive Emperor Nero was adopted by his Great Uncle. When Paul says we have been adopted into sonship he is intentionally using this same language. This adoption is God’s bond, God’s covenant with us for a stable future, one where “we can now come fearlessly into God’s presence, assured of His glad welcome” (2:12).

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so that we can do the good things He planned for us long ago” (2:8-10). WE are God’s masterpiece. He looks at us with love and pride, and gifted us with eternal life and wisdom through Christ Jesus, so that we can do things He had planned about before we even physically existed. The bountiful gifts we receive when we come back to God are so awesome.

Out of love God created you and determined that you were to know eternal life and do amazing works in His name. You matter to Him, you please Him, through Christ you are blameless in His sight.

“I pray that your hearts will be flooded with light so that you can understand the wonderful future He has promised to those He called. I want you to realise what a rich and glorious inheritance He has given to His people.” (1:18) And people think of Paul as just being mean….

God bless and keep you always x

The Beatitudes, part two, Matt 5:2-12

The Beatitudes

“This is what he taught them:

“God blesses those who realise their need for him, for the Kingdom of Heaven is given to them.
God blesses those who mourn, for they will be comforted.
God blesses those who are gentle and lowly, for the whole earth will belong to them.
God blesses those who are hungry and thirsty for justice,
for they will receive it in full.
God blesses those who are merciful for they will be shown mercy.
God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God.
God blesses those who are persecuted because they live for God, for the Kingdom of Heavens is theirs.
God blesses you when you are mocked and persecuted and lied about because you are my followers. Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted too.” (Matt 5:2-12)

Reading the Beatitudes last night I got to “God blesses those who are hungry and thirsty for justice, for they will receive it in full/be filled (NIV)” (5:6) and I realised I have an amazing visual aid in one of my closest friends. It is pretty much impossible to bring up social issues without him responding with sincerity & genuine passion on the need for reformation and understanding, rather than people assuming that they know what’s best, or worse still ignoring the plights of those less fortunate. This is a glimmer of part of the nature of the person you will meet in heaven. The Kingdom of Heaven is explicitly repeated in this chapter and it isn’t for effect. To enter into heaven we need to have these qualities, to be more Christ-like we need to take on seeing the world through the loving, comforting and active eyes of Christ. One of the simplest prayers that you can pray is: “Lord, share your burden with me. May the things that hurt your heart hurt ours and invoke us to action, may the love you see in all of your creation be made visible to us.” The battle for truth, righteousness and justice is of God but Jesus demonstrated it whilst He was here on earth too. Jesus wants us to comfort the homeless, love those left on society’s fringes, speak out for the truth and to not be false witnesses. And how does he encourage us to do so….He sets the precedent!

In the same vein: don’t bare grudges (5:7). The God that you belong to is willing to erase everything wrong that you ever did. And you did it to Him! Undeniably, no opportunity for miscommunication, or subjective interpretations, you sinned against God. Repeatedly. But out of His eternal love He grants you forgiveness and is merciful. Pass that on…God didn’t hold onto the fact that for a lot of your life you worshipped your girlfriend more than Him or you used to treat people with coldness and a deep sense of jealousy. If He can do that for the entire population of the world, I think you can choose to let go off some stuff, no?

The judgement you treat a person with will be exercised against you, so be “merciful” in your treatment of others so that “God’s mercy towards you will win out over His judgement against you” (James 2:13). A LOT of people struggle with forgiveness, no one with an ounce of common sense would claim forgiving an abusive parent or partner is easy and God gives us the grace to really push through such occurrences. But there are so many smaller ways that we can be merciful, not arguing back or getting wound up is preemptive of having to actively forgive someone. Immediately addressing a conflict in as civil and considerate a way as possible instead of obsessing over being the one to make the first move is merciful. Mercy and love, not judgement, is responsible for a lot of transformation in the Bible, look at Zacchaeus or even Peter!

“God blesses those whose hearts are pure, for they will see God” (5:8). I don’t know how often on road you see God, but I’m willing to bet that it isn’t that frequently…Nobody’s perfect but that isn’t what this means. Rather, the pure in heart are those who act without thought to what they can gain, more in line with our understanding of selflessness. Imagine coming into contact with a person, who NEVER thought of themselves and how they’d be affected in the pursuit of righteousness. The next couple verses go onto the persecution you will face in the name of Jesus, but such a person would still willingly choose this path rather than worry about what they’d stand to lose or gain. Martyrs have existed since Stephen, Paul and Peter and exist to this day. In Turkey in 2007, whilst holding a bible study for new Christians three missionaries were tortured for hours and finally killed. When their wives spoke to the media they spoke of the joy and love that would have got their husbands through it and how they would have suffered wilfully. These men didn’t deny Jesus, they didn’t try to get themselves out of the predicament by negotiating and lying, but left such an amazing example of selflessness. Aim for this, strive for this, for you will see God.

Blessed are the “peacemakers”. Jesus is the Prince of Peace, by that alone we should strive to be peaceful and harbour peace in the relationships we see around us. But there’s a real sense of agency in this verse. The Lord blesses those who attempt to cultivate peace between God and man. When you help or pray or intercede on the behalf of others, on whatever scale, you are working towards peace for God’s creation and this pleases Him to no end. I don’t know the level of antagonism you encounter daily but for some of us this is a pretty tall order, for others it occurs on more of a macro scale. But seek it out, true peace is of God so in spreading the gospel we seek to unify people to knowing this peace and reflecting it.

Matthew 5:10-12 brings in the final beatitude: “God blesses those who are persecuted because they live for God, for the Kingdom of Heaven is theirs. God blesses you when you are mocked and persecuted and lied about because you are my followers. Be happy about it! Be very glad! For a great reward awaits you in heaven. And remember, the ancient prophets were persecuted, too.”

I don’t think I need to break that one down for you, but isn’t it an epic point to finish with. Have a lovely Sunday x