Live in Love, John 15:13

“Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one’s life for his friends.” (John 15:13).

Over the next few weeks social media is going to be inundated with eulogies lamenting the loss of a great man. I ardently hope that these are posted with sincerity and lead those who know little of the man to read up on the transformative power of his passive resistance. The world I was born into was a world post-segregation, post-apartheid, post-women’s suffrage. This is only due to the work of countless men and women that laid their lives down that the future may be one of greater justice, peace and opportunity.

We must do more than recollect. We must be be willing to act and sacrifice for those around us, to illustrate true love which covers a multitude of sins (1Peter 4:8). Mandiba had a great calling on his life, people often note how long he spent in prison. But I don’t think we give the gravity of that sufficient consideration. He was separated from his wife for almost thirty years, he didn’t get to see his children grow up, his will for equality saw him isolated and continually threatened with death. It is unlikely that our lives will bring us into such similar predicaments, because our predecessors have paved the way. But do not make the mistake of lamenting the world’s loss and not being changed and empowered by it.

A common Christian prayer is for God to give us the ability to see people as He sees them. What greater contemporary example than the man we mourn tonight? After almost twenty seven years of imprisonment, he looked his persecutors in the face and forgave them with a sincere heart. He saw them for members of the same human race and appealed to shared interests, love and humanity. May we strive to follow the evident example of a life lived in applied scripture.

In Mandiba, in the members of the Montgomery Bus Boycott, in the suffragettes we have seen what it is to love through sacrifice; to face persecution and give up comforts that others may flourish. This may manifest itself in a number of ways in your life, please do not shy away from it. We are called to live in love. Always be willing to stand for what is right, to listen to the will of your Father and love with your whole heart.

God bless and keep you always and we just pray for comfort for the many families around the world dealing with loss at this time x

Fed Up, Psalm 91:1-16

Psalm 91:1-16

I am quite clearly going through a season of having to face my past in preparation of my future. It is not fun. It is not enjoyable. And whenever I hear “it won’t last forever” or “great things are going to come out of this”, I’d much rather just not feel rotten. There is a tendency to feel deep scepticism when people talk of your future, whilst you still feel very much rooted in your present. Culturally, our generation has fallen into a pattern deferred gratification. Do A levels, go to uni, do a masters, get a grad scheme and thennnn, and this is only a maybe, you will possess a quality of life that you enjoy. (For all the yolos and raves in the world, you’re still sitting your exams are you not?) As an obvious bi-product we are all liable to experience things that cause us anxiety, frustration and the like.

Usually I try to only do a few verses but this whole chapter ministered to me last night, so click the title link as usual and look it over properly too.

So, how do we deal with such feelings? First bit of advice, move in with God. The first verse of the chapter is: “Whoever dwells in the shelter of the Most High will rest in the shadow of the Almighty”, it says “dwell”. Not “passes through”, not “comes to God when they need something and dosses off again”. In God we find peace, in continually building a relationship and having communion with Him we find our identity and our resting place. The world can be in utter disarray but the confidence of the Christian who knows and walks with God is tangible to all others. In the good and the bad times praise, lament, and pray to the Father, receive His continued gift of shelter and rest. He wills it for you. The imagery of this first verse is immense when you take it in. Little children have this tendency to hold onto their parent’s leg in comfort; a tent provides shelter from abrasive rain and wind; but imagine resting in the shadow of the Almighty!

The language of this psalm is all about the safety of trusting in The Lord, and growing in our relationship with Him. He is a “refuge” and “fortress” (91:2), “shield” and “rampart/buckler” (91:4). All of this imagery is strong and defensive, it covers us from active harm. Note that it isn’t simply a bed to rest in but a place of protection against attack. God is showing us that He will weather through all storms of life with us, actively and faithfully (91:4) seeking to guard and comfort us in times of hardship. Even when you feel it’s too late, or you’ve made too much of a mess of things “Surely he will save you from the fowler’s snare” (91:3).

“For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways; they will lift you up in their hands, so that you will not strike your foot against a stone” (91:12). If you are facing struggles – spiritual, emotional, psychological – know that not only does God care for you, but He has whole armies of angels dedicated to ensuring your well being. His care for you is immeasurable and the more we learn about scripture the more we can gain even a glimpse into how this is manifested.

Not only does love with The Lord promise protection but also courage and empowerment, the following verse is of the strength YOU will have in trampling “the great lion and the serpent” (91:13). God both comforts and equips us to face our anxieties, our obstacles, our enemies. The victory is indeed ours and for a lot of us we have some reclaiming to do of the confidence and gifts we have through Christ Jesus.

“Because he loves me,’ says the Lord, ‘I will rescue him; I will protect him, for he acknowledges my name. He will call on me, and I will answer him; I will be with him in trouble, I will deliver him and honour him. With long life I will satisfy him and show him my salvation” (91:14-16).

God is for you, He wills to comfort and empower; to “love” and to “rescue”. He is unbelievably faithful in light of all our flaws, doubts and sin. If you feel down, tired or frustrated seek these things out. Go to God in honesty may as well be my catchphrase, but do it! And do it with consistency, for we have everything to gain in chasing such a relationship with Him.

God bless and keep you always x

Dash way unuh worryin, Matt 6:32-34

I am really tired. I don’t exercise the old prophetic gift often enough and did so about a half hour before I wrote this. I forgot how much it tires me out and I won’t be waking up until around noon, so let’s get this show on the road. Asap.

Today’s assignment: look at Matthew 6:32-34. For all the worriers, independence-lovers and over-thinkers, this is your verse.

“Your Heavenly Father already knows all your needs, and He will give you all you need from day to day if you live for Him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern. So don’t worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will bring its own worries. Today’s trouble is enough for today.”

As Christians we believe in a God who knows everything. We say that’s He’s omniscient: that He knows all that has happened, is happening and will happen; and yet we try our utmost to control our situations.

Why, when He knows our needs?

God delights in you. I’m not going to count how many times it says that in the Bible, but it’s a regular term because it’s TRUE. It isn’t accidentally dropped into an epistle or something. Your Father really values, loves and cares for YOU. From that moment in the Garden of Eden we were created in His image, gifted with dominion and even after the Fall clothed by Him in our shame. Everything in between then and now also happens to be a pretty good indicator of His love for us. Why then would the God in control of all things, who knows all things allow for calamity to ensue?

“He WILL give you all you need from day to day”

He is awesome. He is love. And He is ours. Clothe yourself in the warmth of His love, exalted in the Word, empirically evident in our own lives.

God bless and keep you always x

Repentance, Restoration and Purpose, Jeremiah 1:1-19

(Jeremiah 1:1-19)

If you were somehow unaware of my attachment to the Book of Jeremiah, by the end of this you ought not be. Seeing as I harp on about it, I thought I ought to minister through it today. Jeremiah had a harsh time, he had God-given messages that the Israelites were not going to be happy about (invasion, destruction and captivity are quite hard to dress up by any standard) and a God who threatened him to not be afraid of them “or I will make you look foolish in front of them” (1:17). Peak.

But through Jeremiah we can learn the importance of three key things to the Christian: repentance, restoration and purpose. The book of Jeremiah details the prophet’s attempts to forewarn the idolatrous Israelites before God would have to bring in the big guns. They didn’t listen. Instead they treated him with disdain and persecuted him. Through the book we see the importance of repenting and turning to God, we can seize this gift at any time, no matter how often we mess up; it isn’t something to be sneered at but seized immediately !

Even in the face of destruction and exile God is still preparing to restore the Israelites. He will never abandon His people. His anger is righteous and always out of love and reformation rather than sadism, after all He intended you, you’re here for a reason, and He wants you to respond to His love with the same love He has for you.

In the first chapter of Jeremiah, God tells him “I knew you before I formed you in your mother’s womb. Before you were born I set you apart and appointed you as my spokesman to the world” (1:4-5). This amazing facet applies to all of us! Even before we were conceived God knew us, He planned us, formed us right down to our specific characters and genetics so that we may live out the purpose He has in mind for us. We aren’t reliant on prophets anymore, God communicates through all of us. As Christians our verbal and non verbal actions are being assessed by the rest of the world, whether you’re comfy with it or not you are a spokesperson of the Holy Spirit who lives in you (swag).

Like many of us when placed in positions of responsibility, we second guess ourself. God told Jeremiah he was to be His “spokesman to the world”, that’s a lot of pressure! Jeremiah stressed his age and inexperience but God told him to be unafraid “for I will be with you and take care of you” (1:8). Sometimes it can feel like God is asking us to take a risk. Maybe just bringing up your faith amongst friends or asking a friend to evaluate how Christ-like their behaviour is, feels like something that could be tense and awkward, or like you’d be out of your depth. But God says “nope. I’m right here, I’ll hold your hand whilst you demonstrate the strength and courage I’ve given you and see the fruits of your act”.

God didn’t stop there, He touched Jeremiah’s mouth “and said, “See, I have put my words in your mouth !” (1:10). God didn’t just stand there willing Jeremiah on nor did He simply prepare Jeremiah and go off for a cuppa and a magazine; He gave Jeremiah the very words he was to speak. Sometimes you’ll be tired or worried in a situation that asks for more from you, lean on Him, pray for His Holy Spirit to be displayed through you and it does not matter how knackered or shy you are the recipient of that talk will note that they experienced more than just someone talking at them. Believe me.

Don’t be scared to put yourself out there, to take risks for and in the name of God the Father. He’ll be with you every step of the way. We belong to the living God, He hears our cries and worries and He replies ! Thanks be to the God of Jeremiah, the God who knew us before we were born, intended us even when our parents may not have and is going to use us to make a serious impact in this world.

God bless and keep you always x

Leaving It Up To God, Proverbs 16:33

“We may throw the dice but The Lord determines how they fall.” (Proverbs 16:33)

When we say that we devote our lives to the Father, when we give ourselves to Him, we must do it wholly in heart. When things don’t seem to go the way we had planned we can despair or let this message really resonate with us, reminding us in all things His Will be done. And what a blessing it is to submit to and recieve the manifold blessings of relying on an all-knowing, all-powerful, just, loving and merciful Father.

Sometimes a door may feel closed to us, but that’s God’s plan, and providence will make whatever is coming so much more than what our minds could have envisioned. All we have to do is accept it! To trust wholeheartedly in God providing for us, in a God who is steadfast in His ways will transform our lives. Our relationship is not based off of what we can do for Him, because He sure doesn’t need us to achieve anything and yet He’s always there, ready and waiting to provide things beyond our wildest dreams.

Look at your friends who follow the Way, God has such a plan for you and for them, be grateful that you just get to witness and experience such a thing.

Always remember: “But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”

God bless x